Sunday, April 02, 2006
I Hate Ambivalence... I think...
So now it's not 100% certain that I'll be going to Rochester... I was going to go to help out my friend J for a few days, she just had surgery and if you don't watch her close she'll be doing cartwheels while earning the Nobel Prize in between being Supermom. But now her mother has decided to stay an extra few days, and my time out there was limited on the other end of the visit by Emily's birthday party - I have to be home by the 13th to get ready for a horde of spastic short people to invade my home. And it doesn't make a ton of sense for me to make an 8-hour drive on Tuesday only to turn back around and come home again on Thursday... but it might still be helpful, and that's important to me... but then I wouldn't have to pull Emily out of school and stay with my mother-in-law... but then I wouldn't be seeing my sister on her birthday... but then I'll be seeing her 2 days afterward anyway...

Blech. Emily tells me that she can't wait to be a grown-up so that she can be the boss of everything. I tell her that I can't wait to be a kid again so that someone else will make all the decisions for me.